Air Conditioner Serial Number Search

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Air Conditioner Serial Number Search Average ratng: 5,6/10 9012 votes

Hvac Serial and Model numbers Air conditioner serial and model number Decode Hvac Serial and Model numbers Each Hvac brand has its own serial and model number and each serial and model number have a different way of telling you the information. You can’t use Carrier serial and model to decode Trane hvac units.

It would be confusing and wrong. Some hvac brand also has new code for its new hvac units. For example, York hvac had two different serial numbers for 1971 through 2004 and for 2005 through the present day.

You can’t use information from 2005 to decode 1980 hvac unit, it wouldn’t works. These air conditioner numbers mean a lot. Without the serial and model number, it would be hard to find a replacement part of that central ac unit (I’m not referring to small parts). You could say air conditioner serial and model number is it characteristics or it identities. The Air Conditioner Serial and Model Number Tells Hvac model number tells you: Types of hvac unit, refrigerant types, hvac ton, voltage, compressor series, seer rating, and other thing.

Hvac Serial and Model numbers Air conditioner serial and model number Decode. Hvac Serial and Model numbers. Each Hvac brand has its own serial and model number and each serial and model number have a different way of telling you the information.

Hvac serial number tells you: Year, month, week, day, manufacturing plant location and sequential number.

Air Conditioner Serial Number Search

. The brand of your unit. Who the distributor of your brand of equipment in your area is. The model and serial number of your unit Once you find out you have a Trane or American Standard or Lennox or whomever made your unit, you should be able to search your brand's site for local distribution. You can also try a search just for your brand and state you live in. (Carrier Ohio or Carrier Ohio distributor) Now that you have that information, you should be able to call them and just provide the serial number of your unit so they can verify if you are still under warranty or not.

It never hurts to have your unit's model number too and since they are both located in the same place, it's simple to get both. Most furnaces have their unit information inside the top section of the unit listed on the sidewall. If you take the door off and look left or right, you should find a sticker or plate that will have both these pieces of information.

NOTE: If you have a down flow unit (air blows down from the unit, not up) your information may be in the lower compartment. Your air conditioner or heat pump however will usually have it's sticker or plate mounted on the exterior of the unit for easy reference. Your hope here is that the weather hasn't rendered your label unreadable. Unfortunately, not all information plates are etched in metal and ink labels tended to fade over time. Warranties will vary when it comes to the HVAC equipment in your home. Furnaces, air conditioners, humidifiers, etc.

Will all have their own warranties and often there will be different coverage for different parts of the units. The first place to look for details on your coverage is your owner's manuals. If you've lost those, often times you can find them online by searching the make and model number of your HVAC unit. American Standard / aue1b080 might be a good search. Using American Standard Gold Series or XE 80 might not provide as accurate of results.

Of course find the details of your warranty won't necessarily answer the question of 'Is my furnace still under warranty?' Unless you had the unit installed and know when the warranty began. Many of us inherited our units when purchasing our house so knowing how long it was covered may not answer if it is still covered by warranty. Almost all brands of HVAC require that when the home is sold, the warranty be transferred to the new owner. You'll need to contact the manufacturer and there is typically a fee to do this as well. Many home buyers are unaware of this and so are their realtors sadly.

Seeing as how I work in the industry, I can say that often it doesn't get caught when trying to make a claim without a transferred warranty but it certainly can be so not transferring your HVAC warranties to avoid a small fee is a gamble and could come back to bite you on a large repair. Especially because the larger repair parts usually carry a longer warranty that you may more likely inherit than the smaller parts. UPDATE: Some manufacturers now have a program that cross references home sales with warranties so your likelihood of getting denied a claim if you haven't transferred your warranty has grown exponentially. To review some of the main things in this article, here are some bullet points. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details Necessary HubPages Device ID This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons. Login This is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service. Google Recaptcha This is used to prevent bots and spam.

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Ac Model Number Lookup

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