Marineford Arc

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One Piece: Whitebeard War Saga The 22 nd Arc Story Whitebeard War Saga: Arc 7 – Marineford Episodes: 452 – 489 Summary: Luffy fails to rescue Ace before he is transferred from Impel Down to Marineford the Marine Headquarters of the world. Luffy escapes with many criminals he has freed from the depths of Impel Down and are taking them with him to rescue Ace. Among the escapees are the Revolutionists Ivankov and Inaz uma, Ex-Shichibukais Crocodile and Jinbei, and Pirates such as Mr.

3 and Buggy the Clown. While Luffy makes his way to Marineford, Whitebeard the Most feared Pirate on the Seas makes his entrance at the Marine Headquarters.

The stakes are higher this time around because if they fail to save Ace, Luffy will lose his brother and with the lingering threats of Admirals and Vice-Admirals at Marineford will not make it any easier on both the Whitebeard Allied Fleet and the Luffy’s temporary alliance with old nemesis. Will Luffy pay the price for allying himself with Pirates with ulterior motives are will this temporary alliance reap the benefits to save Ace. Overview: The Marineford Arc is one of the most anticipated Arcs which any (i suspect ALL) ONE PIECE fans have been waiting for since its tense build up from the manga. The build up to this arc was BRILLIANT as ever (thank you Eiichiro Oda). The secrets revealed in this Arc took the One Piece world as one of the best Anime World out there though and and im Happy to say i’m a fan of the series. I’ve only started watching one piece from the year 2005 and since i havent been a fan as long as many people ive come to nothing less from Eiichiro Oda since ive been reading One Piece. The Animation for the series is the same as from the Previous Arc so yeah the consistency of Oda’s unique style is there so there’s no need to comment on the animation.

'Marineford Arc to look like nothing' Says Oda. Discussion in 'One Piece News Central' started by Divvens, Apr 30, 2012. The Marineford Arc was the biggest gathering of Devil Fruit users so far in the series.

There aren’t any new tracks that I heard throughout the arc so it’s nothing really to shout about but was kinda disappointed with it though didn’t get to hear my favourite battle track. The storyline for the Arc was so well written and executed nicelyfor the anime show, BUT!!!!!! They still give us that shitty 7 min recap from the previous episode ( Argh!!!!) which I found totally unneccessary but I do know they are strapped for time and need the something to drag the arc abit longer due to series being so close to the manga at this point. Overall the Arc is really good and any TRUE One Piece fan will not find any grievances with it (except for the 7 min recap WTF MAN.WTF!!!!). 4 Stars Out of 5 Fan Made Trailer 😛.

Contents Summary Calm Before the Storm: Ace's Secret Revealed As this goes on, all around the world, people voice their opinions on the execution and if Whitebeard will really show up. A few doubt his strength due to his old age and the number of the Marine forces. Others, who personally met Whitebeard and even retired from piracy just by being before him, think otherwise. Even children know of Whitebeard's raw strength and sing a playground song about him. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of Marineford, a city where the families of Marines reside, have been evacuated due to the coming war.

On the, monitors have been set up to broadcast the execution to its inhabitants as Ace arrives at the execution stand. The patrol ships sent to deal with Whitebeard's forces are sunk and never heard from again. Thus, Marineford is understandably on edge as the three hours until the execution count down. Rallies his forces as a staggering one hundred thousand elite troops prepare for battle. Fifty marine ships are stationed around the island with cannons lining the coastline. And at the front line of it all are none other than the remaining Shichibukai (, and ). At the rear of the island, Ace is located atop the execution stand.

Watching over him are the three Marine:,. With this, nearly every justice force imaginable is gathered waiting for Whitebeard to make his move. On the Tarai Current, Luffy and the Impel Down escapees have finally reached the gate to Marineford. Jinbe tries to think of a way to penetrate it while Buggy rallies his followers. Back at the execution stand, tells that he is going to tell the audience 'everything', which Garp replies he can do as he wishes. Sengoku then takes the stage and orders the executioners to step back a moment before addressing the audience through a Den Den Mushi. He begins by stating there was something critical he needed to share about Ace before asking the Second Division Commander who his father was.

Ace replies that Whitebeard is his father but Sengoku claims he is not. Sengoku then goes on to say that the Marines searched an island for the possibility that a certain man bore a child. Newborns, children yet to be born, and even the mothers but they did not find anything.

However, there was a reason for it and that was Ace's mother., the mother of Ace, who was from the South Blue on an isle known as, performed a feat that even the Marines did not think was possible. She had kept Ace in her womb for twenty full months, far past the point of Ace's natural childbirth. When Ace was eventually born, Rouge died, having used up all her strength. This had taken place exactly one year and three months after the death of Ace's true father. Sengoku then announces to the Marines and the world that Ace's father is none other then himself.

As the Marines react in shock to this, Garp remembers to himself when Roger asked him to take care of Ace, citing that his unborn child bears no sin just for being born. Ace's Past: Whitebeard of the Yonko Around the world, the audience is shocked to learn that Roger had a son and that his bloodline lives on to this day. Those on Marineford are rendered speechless, though those that know Luffy personally (Hancock, Coby, and Helmeppo) are surprised to find out that Luffy and Ace are not actually related. Garp meanwhile continues to think of the past, when he met with Roger in his cell before his execution.

Roger explained that he was going to have a son but would not live long enough to see him and personally requested Garp to take care of him, knowing what will happen if either Rouge or Ace are found by the World Government. Garp seemed reluctant at first of the idea but Roger believed Garp will honor his final request. Shortly after Roger died, the Marines arrived on Baterilla going off reports that Roger acted unlike himself on the island. They begin to investigate all newborns, mothers and pregnant women even giving orders to kill any mothers who may seem suspicious to them.

Through it all however Rouge managed to keep Ace in her womb and avoid their notice. Eventually the Marines left the island and Rouge, under the care of Garp, was able to bear Ace safely. However, she only had a moment to hold her son before she died from exhaustion. A few years afterward Garp had left Ace under the care of, a friend of his and a caretaker of Luffy, which is how the two first met. Garp then goes back to his last meeting with Ace who mentioned both Luffy and he had the blood of world class criminals in their veins, which he meant Luffy having the revolutionary leader, blood and Ace the Pirate King's. He also took Portgas as his surname out of his love for his mother for saving his life. In the present, Sengoku continues by mentioning that two years ago Ace took to the sea as the captain of the.

His strength and speed caused the World Government to realize that Roger's bloodline had not ended. However, Whitebeard had noticed it too, and recruits Ace before the World Government could reach him.

Sengoku however notes that Whitebeard did so to make Ace into the next Pirate King. Ace heavily denies it but Sengoku rebuffs him, ending his speech by saying that if they left Ace that way, he would have surely stood above all other pirates which is why this execution is so important even if it meant going to war with Whitebeard. One of the marines suddenly reports that the Gate of Justice to Marineford has suddenly opened on its own and that they cannot contact the power room.

Marineford Arc Download

On the other side of the gate, the escapees are befuddled that the gate is opening for them despite the Marines claiming they would not open it. Buggy's followers think he was the one who did it as he stands at the front of the ship with his arms outstretched, although he is just as confused as everyone else. Back in Marineford, the order is given to prepare for battle as Sengoku looks on surprised at the fleet of pirate ships approaching the base, all being lead by pirate captains that have achieved infamy in the New World and have come to support Ace, much to his surprise. The Marines, however, withhold from firing on them, trying to locate Whitebeard himself. And indeed he does show, but not from the front, rather from underwater having coated his ship to appear smack in the center of the bay of the island.

The Moby Dick, as well as three other ships appear with 14 commanders on board, arrive from underwater, much to the Marines' surprise. Whitebeard climbs to the front of his ship as he greets Sengoku, no longer hooked to his medical equipment and ready for battle. He tells Ace to bear with it a little long while Ace calls out to his 'father'. With the gate unlocked, Luffy's group sails into Marineford. Ivankov wonders if Dragon will come to help or not. Upon hearing this, Luffy reveals he and Ace are not related and reveals Ace is Gold Roger's son, much to the shock of everyone on board (this was also supposed to be a secret which Luffy mindlessly let slip). Back at Marineford, the Marines wait in anticipation for Whitebeard to make the first move.

Suddenly, he hits the air, cracking it like a mirror before it causes explosions, shocking the Marines. Luffy's ship draws close, though he cannot see anything through the fog while Ace begins to think back to his starting days of piracy. Back then, he was a teenager and set off three years before Luffy, with both promising to meet each other again. Ace formed the Spade Pirates and his actions soon gained the notice of the Marines (much to Garp's anger) as well as Whitebeard himself. Not long after, Ace met with personally, thanking him for saving Luffy's life, which the red-haired pirate used as a cause for celebration. Ace soon met with Jinbe trying to gain audience with Whitebeard.

But the fishman refused, causing a fight between the two that lasted for five days, ending in a stalemate as neither could overcome the other. Whitebeard soon located the group, whom the Spade Pirates were no match for. Ace ordered his crew to run while he stayed behind and tried hold Whitebeard off. “ It'd be a shame if you died here, kid. If you still want to wreck havoc on this sea, bear my name on your back and go wild as much as you like.!!! Become my son!! ” Whitebeard, impressed with his spirit and strength, offered him the choice to join his crew, though Ace refused the offer at first.

He ended up being knocked unconscious and waking up on the Moby Dick, where he was greeted by, the 4th Division Commander. Thatch explains that Ace's crew tried to get him back but were once more defeated and brought on board Whitebeard's ship. Despite this, Ace was not treated as a prisoner but stubbornly refused to be part of the crew.

Instead, he tried to assassinate Whitebeard numerous times (a total of a hundred according to the crew) all of which ended in failure. Eventually, Ace gave up and officially joined after Marco revealed that all the men aboard Whitebeard ship, who are hated around the world, see him as a father which likewise in kind he calls them his 'sons'. Soon, Ace was nominated as the 2nd Division Commander, during this time he met Blackbeard who suggested he take the job. Before he did, Ace revealed his past to Whitebeard who laughed it off despite the rivalry with Gol D. Roger, claiming everyone was a child of the sea. Then the incident with Blackbeard killing Thatch happened and Ace, in anger, swore to go after him. Whitebeard and the others tried to talk him out of it, the former getting an uneasy feeling about everything.

But Ace persisted as Blackbeard was from his division (not to mention Thatch being a friend of his) and he wanted to take responsibility for Blackbeard's disgraceful actions. Back in the present, Ace pleas for the others to simply leave him behind claiming his own cockiness was the cause for his capture. Whitebeard, however, claims he was the one who let him go hunt down Blackbeard.

When Ace calls him a liar, the other Whitebeard pirates all agree with their captain and vow to save Ace no matter what. Suddenly, the base feels shaking around the island, which Garp explains that the earlier explosion Whitebeard caused has turned into tsunamis that are headed right back at Marineford. This is due to Whitebeard's devil fruit, the, which allows him to make earthquakes. Sengoku warns the Marines that military force alone will not be enough to stop Whitebeard as he has the power to destroy the world itself. As the tidal wave closes in on the base and the world watches on, it is revealed that 49 pirate ships led by Whitebeard face off against the Marine Headquarters and the Royal Shichibukai.

Regardless of who wins, the current era of piracy is coming to an end. Whitebeard Pirates vs. Marine Headquarters The tsunamis are soon right above the heads of the Marines as they begin to panic (though Doflamingo is more excited then scared).

Marineford Arc Episode List

Aokiji suddenly vanishes from his seat and uses Ice Age to freeze the waves before they crash down on the base. He then goes to attack Whitebeard, but the pirate captain easily stops the attack with an airquake, hitting the admiral in the process and shattering him. Aokiji reforms himself at the edge of the bay and uses his powers to freeze it as well. With the bay now frozen, Whitebeard's ships cannot move and the Marines begin to bombard them with cannon fire. The pirate captains respond in kind by charging out onto the now frozen bay to do battle. The vice admirals quickly meet them and the fighting quickly reaches chaotic levels.

Mihawk meanwhile makes the first move of the Shichibukai, claiming he wants to see the difference in strength between himself and Whitebeard before unsheathing his sword and letting out a tremendous slash that heads straight for the Moby Dick. However, before it can hit it, the third division captain of the Whitebeard Pirates who lives up to his title by covering himself in diamond, intercepts it. Kizaru suddenly make his move, appearing in the air and firing down an array of light beams at Whitebeard. But this was also intercepted, this time by first division commander Marco, who is covered in blue flames after the attack. Marco states that Whitebeard cannot be taken on the first turn, prompting Kizaru to remark on how scary the Whitebeard Pirates are. It turns out Marco has eaten a 'rare, mythical, Zoan devil fruit' which grants him the ability to turn into a phoenix.

He and Kizaru wage in a short battle in the skies and Kizaru is knocked onto the ground, but immediately recovers. Kizaru then orders the 'giant squad' (a squad of giant Marines) to be careful in their attack. However, Jozu counteracts this by hurling a huge iceberg at the Marines. As the Marines start to panic, the last admiral, Akainu, calmly states in his chair that, nobody will be able to protect Marineford if everyone is out to fight. Thus, Akainu produces a colossal magma fist that obliterates the iceberg, also creating volcanic projectiles and destroying one of Whitebeard's ships in the process. Akainu seems to have eaten a devil fruit which allows him to produce and manipulate magma.

Whitebeard patronizes him, saying: 'Go and light the candles on a birthday cake instead, you magma brat!' Akainu replies that he was just lighting up Whitebeard's funeral. The pirates continue their assault on the Marines. However, ', the descendant of 'The Land-Pulling ', charges in. The Marines start to panic, on account of Little Oars Jr.' S enormous size.

Moriah becomes excited at the thought of claiming Little Oars Jr.' S corpse, and Doflamingo sticks out his tongue, commenting on how the battle was getting interesting. Little Oars Jr.

Quickly begins to fight his way to the plaza where Ace is being held, destroying one of the marine battleships in the process and giving a path to his fellow pirates. The Marines soon are forced to fall back to strengthen their defenses. Whitebeard however disapproves of Little Oars Jr. Recklessly charging in like he is doing but Little Oars Jr.

Marineford Arc

Begs him to let him do as he pleases to save Ace. Whitebeard complies and orders his men to back him up as Little Oars Jr. Continues to get closer to the execution stand. Meanwhile, Hancock attacks a group of pirates with her powers. Managing to turn the body parts she hits to stone and break them off in the process with her amazing agility. However she not only attacks pirates but Marines as well.

When asked by a bewildered Marine, Hancock states she agreed to join the battle but never allying herself with the Marines. To her all men are alike, except for Luffy and asks the Marines that she has kept her word by virtue of her beauty. Kuma suddenly lets loose an Ursus Shock from his powers, creating a tremendous explosion that wounds Little Oars Jr. Ace looks on in horror begging him to stop as he knows with Little Oars Jr. Size making him an easy target, he would never make it. As Little Oars Jr.

Reels from the damage, he remembers when Ace made him a conical straw hat to help keep his head shaded since he knows Little Oars Jr. Is closer to the sun due to being a giant, the hat also keeping his head dry during rain and snowy weather.

Marineford Arc

Oars is more than grateful for the gift, which is why he determined to save Ace. However, he gets hit hard by cannon fire and begins to double over. As he does, Little Oars Jr. Notices Doflamingo and tries to take him out, slamming at him with his fist. Doflamingo however manages to avoid the attack, flips over Oars and somehow cuts off his right leg in the process laughing all the while. Despite this, Little Oars Jr.

Desperately continues to advance towards Ace. Just as he is within inches of grabbing Ace, Moriah sends his shadows at the giant, forming them into a spear and skewering him through the midsection. The Whitebeard Pirates look on in horror as Little Oars Jr. Falls while the Shichibukai give off different reactions with Moriah obviously being happy about his victory.

Doflamingo continues to find the whole thing hilarious which catches the attention of one of the division commanders. Whitebeard himself meanwhile looks on grimly at what just occurred prompting one of the Giant Squad vice admirals, to take advantage of his distraction and attack him. Whitebeard however easily one-handedly subdues him with his earthquake power, much to the shock of the Marines, marveling that not even a giant can best the Yonko.

Whitebeard then orders his troops to take advantage of the path Little Oars Jr. Gave them and charge into the plaza, which the pirates quickly comply to. Meanwhile Water Buffalo confronts Doflamingo, who quickly uses his power to take control of him and attack his squad.

As the sight of fallen Marines starting to get to him, Coby begins to flee from the battle. Helmeppo manages to stop him just in time as they witness Akainu confronting another officer who was also fleeing the battle out of concern for his family. Akainu attacks the Marine soldier as punishment for his cowardice. He then gets a report that the preparations are complete.

Doflamingo still continues to cackle as he uses Atmos to attack his allies, commenting on their current state of affairs and how the winner of that battle will become the 'justice' of the world. “ Pirates are evil!!? The Marines are righteous!!?

Marineford Arc One Piece Episodes

These terms have always changed throughout the course of history.!!! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values!!! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground!!! Justice will prevail, you say!?

But of course it will!!! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!!! ” The pirates continue to press on to the bay, trying to keep the path Little Oars Jr. Opened up from being closed. Suddenly, an ice breaker ship crashes into another part of the bay, the action committed by, the 'Ice Witch'. With the bay breached on both sides, the pirates rush forward. An officer reports this to Sengoku who comments it does not matter and calls, who was literally hanging out several pirates to dry as if they were laundry.

He gives the report over the Den-Den Mushi that they are putting the plan into motion. Other Marine officials get the order too which Whitebeard notices and wonders what Sengoku is up to. Garp suddenly climbs up to the execution stand which prompts Sengoku to ask if he has a problem with the plan. Garp says that he does not, claiming Ace is a pirate and feels no pity for him. However, he then states that Ace is also family, which puts Garp into conflict on what he is supposed to do.

He scolds Ace, asking him why he did not just live as he had told him to. Sengoku warns Garp that if he tries anything he will not hold back, but Garp just brushes him off, saying that if he could've done anything, he would've already done it. Meanwhile, Luffy and the Impel Down escapees are trapped atop one of the frozen tsunami waves created by Whitebeard and Aokiji's powers. Luffy tries to talk the others into pushing the boat so that it will slide down the back of the wave. Before they do, though, the Den Den Mushi on board intercepts the order, which is to just ignore the schedule and execute Ace then and there.

Post marineford arc

Panicking, Luffy tells the others that they need to hurry. Ivankov performs Hell Wink in hopes of shoving the battleship off of the wave, but instead of sliding down, it is knocked forward, flipping upside down and sending all of the inmates plummeting towards the sea. Having also received the order, Coby starts to panic but before he can elaborate further, the two notice something coming in from the sky. Ace and the Marines see it too.

As the object plummets closer to ground, it is revealed that its none other then Luffy and the prison escapees literally dropping in upside down from the sky. Luffy exclaims that he is not worried since he is made of rubber, but the others yell at him to do something before they make impact with the ice beneath them.

The Bet on the New Age: Luffy and Whitebeard! Through an act of pure fortune, the battleship lands in one of the few spots of ocean that remains unfrozen. Although the impact splits the boat in two, those on board fall into the ocean unharmed. Jinbe dives underwater to rescue the fruit users, as the others make their way up onto the wreckage. As Luffy climbs higher on top of the wrecked battleship, he and Ace spot each other. Ace calls out to Luffy, who happily responds that he got to see him again.

Onlookers are shocked that Crocodile, as well as the other prisoners, have arrived in the middle of the war. Sengoku becomes even more infuriated at Garp and his accursed family, while Garp remains in shock that Luffy had made his way to Marineford.