Contoh Surat Laporan Kegiatan

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Contoh Surat Laporan Kegiatan Average ratng: 6,1/10 3081 votes

Job training is one of the activity that is done by students and other task which according with each competence. Job training is the way to introduce the world of work to students and the way to make students more independent. Based on job training, students will learn how to manage the workshop from their boss in workshop, and students also will learn a lot of other job that aren’t learned in their school or class. The students of SMK 1 Kedungwuni do the job training in many workshop and we were placed in the KOMBOR workshop.

Students helped the mechanics to repair the vehicle and studied to repair the car with independent. There were many job that must be done by students in this week such as tuning up the car, Replacing the brake canvas, setting valves, overhauling engine etc. The students were usually ordered to tune up the car because it is the simple job. Tune up is started by remove the air filter, check the level and quality of oil engine and colling water, check the fan belt, release the carburetor, release and clean the platina then set the platina, set the valves and clean all parts that had been released. After that set all parts that had been cleaned and the last set the carburetor idle speed.


Contoh Surat Laporan Kegiatan Ipm

Akhirnya dengan penuh rasa syukur, kami menutup laporan pertanggungjawaban kunjungan industri ini. Selanjutnya, kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak-pihak yang turut terlibat dalam kesuksesan kegiatan kunjungan industri tersebut. Demikian laporan pertanggung jawaban ini kami buat dengan sebaik-baiknya dengan harapan laporan kegiatan ini dapat menjadi acuan demi perkembangan kegiatan-kegiatan serupa pada periode berikutnya. Kami mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan dan kesalahan yang telah kami lakukan. Atas perhatian dan kerja sama yang baik kami sampaikan ucapan terima kasih. Contoh Laporan - Membuat laporan kerap kali dilakukan dalam mengerjakan tugas laporan prakerin atau laporan kegiatan yang ditugaskan oleh guru di sekolah. Bagi Anda yang sedang mencari contoh laporan yang baik dan benar lanjutkanlah membaca artikel ini hingga akhir.